Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Saturday, October 27th End the War in Iraq Now!

United for Peace & Justice : Index

*3,800 young American lives cut short for a war based on lies.*28,000 wounded American soldiers.*Over a million Iraqi wounded or killed and millions more displaced and homeless due to civil war.*A new war against Iran is being fomented by the White House.
A half-trillion dollars of our nation's treasury squandered while:

*50 million Americans have no health insurance;*affordable housing is increasingly scarce;*our public school system is crumbling due to lack of funds;*residents of New Orleans and others facing emergencies suffer because the National Guard and other resources are diverted to the war in Iraq.

On Oct. 27, the people will be heard around the country to say, "This war has got to end and it has got to end now!"

Rally at 12 noon
Assemble on Broadway, south of 23rd Street (Please use 23rd St. subway stations)March at 1:00 p.m.2 Minutes of Silence to Honor those who have died - 2:45 p.m.Peace and Justice Fair in Foley Square (at the end of the march) - 2:00 - 5:30 p.m.

Make this last week count! Help put hundreds of thousands into the streets! Hand out leaflets everywhere you go. In NYC you can pick them up at distribution sites around the city or you can download them (click on Resources in the right.) Tell your friends, send an email to everyone you know, add it to your Facebook/MySpace page, organize a bus, peace train or carpool!

Rally: Speakers include James Kelly, Jr., Gold Star father; Rev. Dr. Shanta Premawardhana, Associate General Secretary for Interfaith Relations, National Council of Churches USA; Marilyn Lambert-Fisher and Bill Fisher, Military Families Speak Out; Elliot Adams, President, Veterans For Peace; Melissa Mark-Viverito, New York City Councilwoman; Bill Perkins, NYS Senate; Leila Zand, Iran Program Coordinator, Fellowship of Reconciliation; Leslie Cagan, National Coordinator of UFPJ; Larry Hamm, People’s Organization for Progress; a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War; a young person from Desis Rising Up & Moving (DRUM). Music from Aliza Hava, Y La Banda Rebelde, the Raging Grannies, and Spiritchild of Mental Notes.

Peace and Justice Fair: We know that this war can end, but only if each one of us can continue to do something after Oct. 27 toward that end. At the fair, you will be able to find out how you can continue this work. There will be workshops, presentations and tables by many grassroots peace and community organizations. There will be tents on Veterans/Military Families/GI Rights, Truth-in-Recruiting, Youth and Students, and many more plus a tent for kids!
Photo: Diane Lent

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